TRAINING (2.4.1)
Member of SCNAT

The Swiss Statistical Society (SSS) propagates application and development of statistics in Switzerland, represents the interest of professionals working in this field in relation to practice, research and education and contributes to the recognition of statistics as a scientific discipline in its own right.

Image: denisismagilov,


The Swiss Statistical Society plays a key role in uniting Swiss-based statistician through networking and organising events, such as our annual conference. Additionally, the SSS contributes to, or initiates, projects related at enhancing statistical literacy and increasing the visibility of statistics and statisticians in Switzerland.

Networking and collaboration

Our society acts as a bridge, connecting statistic users across various sectors including administration, business, research, and education (see sections). Furthermore, the society is a member of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT), the Swiss Academy of Social Sciences (SAGW), and the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW). Internationally, we are part of the following associations: European Courses in Advanced Statistics, the Federation of European National Statistical Societies, and the International Statistical Institute.

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Join the public mailinglist Statlist (no SSS membership is required) to be informed on relevant job openings, conferences, and other news.


The most important event organized by the society is the annual Swiss Statistical Meeting held in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Statistical Office and CORSTAT. More information can be found here.