TRAINING (2.4.1)
Membro della SCNAT

La Società svizzera di statistica (SSS) promuove l’applicazione e lo sviluppo della statistica in Svizzera, rappresenta gli interessi delle persone attive in questo campo nella pratica, nella ricerca e nell’insegnamento e contribuisce al riconoscimento della statistica come disciplina scientifica autonoma.

Immagine: denisismagilov,


The European organization "Federation of European National Statistical Societies" (FENStatS) awards an accreditation for statisticians with the name European Accredited Statistician (EAStat). As a national organisation for statistics we participate in this accreditation. In order to be accredited as a statistician, a degree (MSc level) in statistics or equivalent and at least five years of professional experience are required. There is an agreement with ASA and RSA for mutual recognition of accreditations. An application for accreditation costs 120 euros.

If you have any questions about the accredetation initiative, are interested in participating as an auditor or want to apply for the accreditation, please contact Lorenz Gygax ( You will find further information on the FENStatS website and the statutes for accreditation can be found here (PDF in English).

Read the interviews with Kaspar Rufibach and Jürg Schelldorfer on their accreditation process.